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Yellow, black and red maca are three rare varieties of this ancient root, which has been used in traditional South American medicine for centuries. Each of these varieties has its own unique properties and beneficial effects on human health, but together they form a truly powerful combination that can greatly support our overall vitality and well-being.

Among these three varieties, yellow maca is the most widespread and available. It stands out for its energizing and nutritious properties, as it contains high levels of iron, calcium and
amino acids. This makes yellow maca a great choice for anyone looking to naturally increase their physical performance, endurance and overall energy levels. Athletes and active people often reach for yellow maca to support their body and give it the necessary strength. In addition, this variety can help regulate the hormonal balance, which will be especially appreciated by women suffering from symptoms of menopause or premenstrual syndrome.

Although black maca is less common, it is all the more rare and valuable. This type of maca boasts a high content of antioxidants and phytonutrients, which have a beneficial effect on our overall health and strengthen the body's defenses. Black maca is also known for its beneficial effects on cognitive functions such as memory and concentration. Some scientific studies even suggest that regular consumption of black maca could reduce the risk
development of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. Thanks to the high concentration of antioxidants, black maca can also contribute to slowing down the aging process and protect the cells of our body from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Red maca is considered the rarest and most effective of the three varieties. It contains a lot of bioactive substances that can significantly support our sexual
health and fertility. Therefore, red maca is often recommended to couples trying to conceive a child. It can improve sperm quality in men and promote ovulation in women. This variety is also popular for its beneficial effects on libido and sexual desire in both sexes.
thanks to which it has earned a reputation as an effective natural aphrodisiac.

Red maca also contains high levels of flavonoids with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which
it contributes to our overall health and mental well-being.
The combination of yellow, black and red maca brings truly complex benefits for our body and mind. Imagine that each of these varieties is like a musical instrument in an orchestra - individually they sound beautiful, but when combined, they create a unique symphony of health and vitality. Yellow
maca gives us energy and the necessary nutrition, black maca strengthens our immunity and intelligence, while red maca is a great helper in the field of sexual health and fertility.
Together, these three varieties create a powerful synergy that can fundamentally change our overall sense of well-being and vitality. Treat yourself to this little miracle of nature and give it a try
the beneficial effects of the combination of yellow, black and red maca on your own skin. Your body and mind will thank you.

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According to the regulation of the EP and the EC Council no. 1924 from 2006, other nutritional and health claims may not be assigned to any food supplement except those permitted. This information talks about the general effects of the individual components, which you can read about in encyclopedias and educational literature.

All the listed information on nutritional and health claims are a set of information freely accessible from domestic and foreign information sources and are not proof of the real effect of nutritional supplements or their nutritional and medicinal effects. If the consumer wants accurate information supported by professional and scientific studies, it is important to get familiar with it through all available professional sources. You should always consult your doctor in advance about the possible positive but also undesirable effects of the nutritional supplement!

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