Activstar - Activ relax 500 g

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ACTIVSTAR natural bath salts are made according to original recipes, compiled on the basis of knowledge about the effects of sea salt and aromatherapy using natural essential oils.

The basis of our bath salts is 100% pure sea salt. Another important ingredient is aromatherapy oils - that is, only purely natural ingredients.

Natural plant essential oils are the most valuable and strongest that is contained in plants. It is essential oils that give plants a natural aroma.

To give you an idea - one drop of essential oil requires roughly 1-10 kg of plants.

Aromatherapy is a separate and extensive field that uses natural plant essential oils for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

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According to the regulation of the EP and the EC Council no. 1924 from 2006, other nutritional and health claims may not be assigned to any food supplement except those permitted. This information talks about the general effects of the individual components, which you can read about in encyclopedias and educational literature.

All the listed information on nutritional and health claims are a set of information freely accessible from domestic and foreign information sources and are not proof of the real effect of nutritional supplements or their nutritional and medicinal effects. If the consumer wants accurate information supported by professional and scientific studies, it is important to get familiar with it through all available professional sources. You should always consult your doctor in advance about the possible positive but also undesirable effects of the nutritional supplement!

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