Activstar - Activbody spray 150 ml, Activ NO spray 150 ml, ACTIVMAGNESIUM SPRAY 150 ml

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It has a regenerating and relaxing effect on the musculoskeletal system. Plant extracts in the spray have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-allergic and regenerative effects on the skin. They also work on dermatitis, atopic eczema, psoriasis and cold sores. The preparation supplies the body with a range of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. It is quickly absorbed and leaves a pleasant non-greasy feeling.

Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippokastanum): is known as a vascular tonic and antiphlogistic. Active substances from chestnut increase the resistance of capillaries and improve venous tone. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates the absorption of swelling. It is very effective in the treatment of fragile capillaries. The substance contained in the extract - aesculin - keeps the hair follicles in condition and increases their resistance. It is used in the treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Clinical studies have shown that it is effective against the so-called heavy legs (night cramps due to inflammation of the veins). Accelerates the absorption of bruises and bruises. It soothes the itching of various types of eczema. It is also effective for painful joints and arthritis. It improves the blood flow in the blood vessels, which stops blood clotting and acts against the formation of thrombi. It turns off the skin and acts like a tonic on the skin.

Boswellia serrata (Boswellia serrata): a rare aromatic resin, incense is obtained from the stem of the frankincense tree. Incense was and still is an important and irreplaceable part of religious ceremonies. In ancient Egypt, it was an important ingredient in embalming mummies. It contains dozens of terpenes that give it a special smell. An important component is also the so-called boswell hysselins with anti-inflammatory effects already known in ancient Arab medicine. Frankincense extract has demonstrable antiviral (including retroviruses), antibacterial and antifungal properties. In addition, it also acts against arthritis and other inflammatory diseases of the joints.

Hemp (Cannabis sativa): has positive effects on the skin, nails and hair. It helps patients with atopic dermatitis or psoriasis, has anti-inflammatory effects in joint diseases and inflammations.

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus regnans), in addition to having a beneficial effect on breathing, also aids wound healing, promotes concentration, and acts against migraines and insomnia. It has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. Cleans the air. It has repellent effects against insects and is an active part of repellent preparations against mosquitoes. It dampens the feeling of pain.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is used in folk medicine as well as in the pharmaceutical industry as an agent that increases blood circulation and relieves pain, especially muscle, joint and nerve pain, and also removes the feeling of coldness in the limbs. When used externally, it cleans the skin, removes eczema, and heals wounds. It has a sharp camphor taste and a strong aromatic smell.

Comfrey (Symphitum officinale): Comfrey acts as an anti-inflammatory, regenerative and protective agent. It is mainly used for wound healing and tissue regeneration. In folk medicine, comfrey root was used in the form of poultices especially for fractures, and for all damage and pain in bones, muscles, joints and their capsules, as well as for inflammations, poorly healing wounds and sprains.

Camphor: stimulates nerve endings sensitive to cold and heat so that it has a cooling effect during gentle application and warming effect during longer and stronger application. This causes local anesthesia - numbness and pain reduction. It has antimicrobial properties. Ayurvedic medicine uses it as part of tea mixtures with an anti-inflammatory effect and to reduce feelings of increased temperature. Camphor was part of the paregoric tincture (opium-camphor tincture), which was developed in the 18th century and was the most commonly used remedy for diarrhea, cough, cold, calming, teeth cleaning, etc. for the next several centuries. Its use ended with the onset of opium regulation in the 20th century.

Menthol: used in many products for many reasons. For example, for the relief of sore throat, treatment of the oral cavity, against cough, for relief from itching, as a topical analgesic for skin eczema, minor injuries, but also against headaches. It is also used as an antiseptic to treat shaving wounds.

Panthenol: easily penetrates the skin, where it quickly oxidizes to pantothenic acid. It is very hygroscopic, binds water to itself and thus hydrates the skin. It is important in the biosynthesis of coenzyme A, which plays a role in many enzymatic reactions and in cell growth. It is used in many cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, mainly for tanned skin, but also for minor skin injuries or inflammations. It reduces skin itching and inflammation caused by tanning or other factors. It improves the elasticity of the skin and accelerates the healing of minor injuries and skin damage.

L-Arginine is an amino acid that participates in the formation of nitric oxide NO in the body. It has a role as a signaling molecule. It works to regulate blood pressure and takes care of the good condition of the cardiovascular system.

L-Citruline Malate (2:1) significantly improves blood circulation in muscles and soft tissues, expands blood vessels and provides energy.

Betaine is involved in the biosynthesis of homocysteine ​​in the body and effectively lowers its level in the blood and thereby reduces the risk of heart disease and heart attack. Homocysteine ​​is a powerful oxidant that produces free radicals. By its action in the organism, it causes the vascular walls and capillaries to lose their elasticity and thereby contributes to the wear and tear of the vascular system.

Pine bark hydrolate contains strong antioxidants and vitamins that protect cells from the effects of free radicals and multiply the effects of L-Arginine.

Dosage: apply the product to the wrist or other pulse points

Ingredients: Arginine alpha keto glutarate (Arg AKG), Citrulline - malate 2:1, Betaine HCL pine hydrolate and water.

Magnesium is the most important mineral for humans. It limits aging processes and contributes to the regeneration of the body. It relaxes the muscles. It is an important element of bone metabolism that affects bone strength. It is made with technology that guarantees high absorption, efficiency and stability.

Lack of magnesium (magnesium) in the human body is manifested by unpleasant health problems and is the most common disorder of electrolytes in the body. When there is a lack of magnesium in the body, there are a number of often overlooked symptoms, mainly in the areas of:

head - headache, weakness, migraine, nervousness, tension, depression, anxiety, impaired concentration,

muscles - pain in the head, stiffness of the neck, facial and chewing muscles, muscle spasms, tingling in the limbs (paresthesia), increased irritability (tetany)

heart - chest pain, irregular heartbeat, rapid heartbeat,

of internal organs - stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, throat spasm, tension of the digestive organs

With these manifestations, in many cases it is enough for a person to maintain an optimal level of magnesium in the body.

The current diet is poorer in natural sources of magnesium and results in an increasing population suffering from hypomagnesemia (magnesium deficiency). Magnesium in food is lost primarily due to the industrialization of the food industry, breeding of new varieties of vegetables and fruits, technological processing of food, or overall climate change.

As a result of inappropriate processing of food such as frying or canning, magnesium in food is also lost. The amount of magnesium received is not equal to the amount absorbed. The body can absorb only 30-40% of the total magnesium received (in food). Its absorption is worsened by the presence of fats, sugars, fiber and free calcium in the diet. The optimal level of magnesium in the body is also disturbed by excessive drinking of alcohol, coffee and various energy drinks. In general, people with increased mental (exhaustion, stress) or physical (top athletes, heavy workers) stress, which is either short-term or long-term, have an increased need for magnesium. Among the so-called however, patients with various health problems also belong to risk groups. A low level of magnesium is often associated with diseases such as:

diabetes (diabetes) – obese people have up to 50% lower magnesium reserves, increasing magnesium supply reduces the risk of developing diabetes

hypertension (increased blood pressure) - increasing magnesium supply helps to normalize the tension of the blood wall, which is reflected in the improvement of blood pressure values

ischemic heart disease (insufficient blood supply) - increasing magnesium supply reduces the intensity and frequency of chest pain accompanying this disease

arrhythmia - magnesium helps to correct the abnormal electrical activity of the heart, which is the cause of heart rhythm disorders

ischemic stroke (insufficient blood supply) - increasing magnesium intake by 100 mg per day reduces the risk of this disease and at the same time protects the brain after an ischemic stroke

migraine - increased doses of magnesium reduce the incidence of migraine by almost half

dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) – increased doses of magnesium alleviate the symptoms of this disease

premenstrual syndrome (a set of physical and psychological problems experienced by women before and during menstruation) - increased doses of magnesium significantly improve mood, reduce water retention, which results in weight gain, a swollen abdomen, or breast tension, reduces the occurrence of migraines and improves their course.

Dosage: Apply a spray to the wrist or directly to the body part. The product is suitable for preparing a bath: 5 tablespoons per bath.
Magnesium - participates in more than 300 different biochemical reactions and more than 100 enzymatic processes in the human body. Half of the magnesium in the body is found directly in the cells of the whole body, the rest is stored together with phosphorus and calcium in the bones. Only 1% of magnesium is in the blood.

Other effects on the body:

 improves mental state and protects against the effects of stress
 stabilizes cell membranes by interacting with phospholipids
 helps to obtain and use solar energy
 regulates thyroid function
 it is a carrier of insulin, it controls the level of sugar in the blood
 it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and participates in neuromuscular irritability
 by activating cholesterase, it breaks down cholesterol
 supports the activity of the intestines, gall bladder and bladder
 prevents hemorrhoids
 promotes longevity
 relieves menstrual difficulties
 prevents calcium from being deposited in the kidneys /prevents the formation of kidney stones/
 helps the proper function of the prostate

Deficiency causes: cardiac arrhythmia, kidney failure, irritability, fatigue, neuromuscular dysfunction, severe cramps in the feet and calves, chest pain, eyelid tics, tingling in the limbs.

Why magnesium is the most powerful mineral known to mankind. Information source click here

Ingredients: Water, magnesium chloride, Mg+ concentration 144 mg/ml

Another group of people with z people who have a higher need for magnesium are people who work physically, athletes, people with increased mental stress, in addition, people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, people suffering from alcoholism, women using hormonal contraception, pregnant and lactating women.

The transdermal skin spray contains hydrolyzed marine collagen with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C.
With its unique composition, it effectively and efficiently supplements the subsoil with collagen - a source of amino acids.
The effect is almost immediate, the skin is brightened, has anti-aging effects, supports the formation of its own collagen, moisturizes the skin, acts as an antioxidant.

Collagen is very important for the health and beauty of our skin, which needs to be replenished. One of the reasons is that a person's ability to create collagen disappears around the age of 25, which is reflected in our skin over time. Formation of wrinkles, sagging and dehydrated skin. Another important substance for the skin is hyaluronic acid, which increases the "density" of the skin, binds water in the skin, hydrates it - the skin visibly looks fuller, wrinkles are less visible. Vitamin C also has a positive effect on the skin, which brightens the skin, eliminates free radicals, counteracts the appearance of pigment spots and brightens the skin. If these 3 active substances are combined in the form of a spray, the effect on the skin will be significantly more effective.

Warning! According to the regulation of the EP and the EC Council no. 1924 from 2006, other nutritional and health claims may not be assigned to any food supplement except those permitted. This information talks about the general effects of the individual components, which you can read about in encyclopedias and educational literature.
All nutrition and health claims information listed is a compilation information freely accessible from domestic and foreign information sources and are not proof of the real effect of nutritional supplements or their nutritional and medicinal effects. If the consumer wants accurate information supported by professional and scientific studies, it is important to get familiar with it through all available professional sources. You should always consult your doctor in advance about the possible positive but also undesirable effects of the nutritional supplement!

According to the regulation of the EP and the EC Council no. 1924 from 2006, other nutritional and health claims may not be assigned to any food supplement except those permitted. This information talks about the general effects of the individual components, which you can read about in encyclopedias and educational literature.

All the listed information on nutritional and health claims are a set of information freely accessible from domestic and foreign information sources and are not proof of the real effect of nutritional supplements or their nutritional and medicinal effects. If the consumer wants accurate information supported by professional and scientific studies, it is important to get familiar with it through all available professional sources. You should always consult your doctor in advance about the possible positive but also undesirable effects of the nutritional supplement!

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