Activstar - ACTIVHAIR SPRAY - 150 ml

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Activhair spray helps to strengthen hair follicules and supports hair growth. Reduces hair weakness and hair loss.

Dosage: Apply the spray on the scalp and gently massage.

Composition: Camelia sinensis extract, Urtica dioica extract, Gynostemma pentaphyllum extract, Emilika officinalis extract, Arctium lappa extract, Betula pendula extract, colloidal zinc, ethanol, water.

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Activhair spray helps to strengthen hair follicules and supports hair growth. Reduces hair weakness and hair loss.


Apply the spray on the scalp and gently massage. 


Camelia sinensis extract, Urtica dioica extract, Gynostemma pentaphyllum extract, Emilika officinalis extract, Arctium lappa extract, Betula pendula extract, colloidal zinc, ethanol, water. 


green tea (Camelia sinensis): contains catechins that help block DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which is one of the main molecules that causes hair loss, 

nettle (Urtica dioica): has the ability to "clean" the blood and is traditionally used for its beneficial effects on the hair, nails and skin 

jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum): the effects of the substances contained in this herb were subjected to a scientific analyses and many beneficial effects for the human organism were found. 

It affects the functions of the entire body and contributes to healthy and strong hair, 

amalaki (Embilika officinalis): is recommended for nourishing all body tissues (including hair and hair follicules), it has disinfecting properties 

greater burdock (Arctium lappa): its beneficial effects on hair growth have been known for long time. It stops their loss and prevents dandruff formation, 

silver birch (Betula pendula): supports hair growth and especially their proper, healthy nutrition,

colloidal zinc: zinc plays an important role in many body processes and functions, such as cell reproduction, maintaining hormonal balance, proper absorption of vitamins, and protein synthesis. All of these processes are necessary for proper hair growth and therefore a sufficient amount of this mineral is needed to prevent reddening and hair loss. Zinc deficiency can contribute to hair loss because without zinc and other minerals hair becomes weakened, causing hair damage and very slow hair regrowth. The benefits of zinc for hair include promoting of cell proliferation, tissue growth and reparation of damaged tissues. Zinc is also essential for proper functioning of the sebaceous glands that are connected to to hair follicules and keep them in good condition, thereby reducing their chance of falling out. Zinc in colloidal form is absorbed approximately 20 times more efficiently than other forms.

Warnung! Gemäß der Verordnung des EP und des EG-Rates Nr. 1924 ab 2006 dürfen keinem Nahrungsergänzungsmittel andere nährwert- und gesundheitsbezogene Angaben zugeordnet werden, außer den erlaubten. In diesen Informationen geht es um die allgemeinen Wirkungen der einzelnen Komponenten, die Sie in Lexika und Lehrliteratur nachlesen können. Bei allen aufgeführten Informationen zu nährwert- und gesundheitsbezogenen Angaben handelt es sich um frei zugängliche Informationen aus in- und ausländischen Informationsquellen und sie stellen keinen Beweis für die tatsächliche Wirkung von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln oder deren ernährungsphysiologische und medizinische Wirkung dar. Wenn der Verbraucher genaue Informationen wünscht, die durch professionelle und wissenschaftliche Studien gestützt werden, ist es wichtig, sich über alle verfügbaren professionellen Quellen damit vertraut zu machen. Über die möglichen positiven, aber auch unerwünschten Wirkungen des Nahrungsergänzungsmittels sollten Sie sich vorab immer mit Ihrem Arzt beraten!


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According to the regulation of the EP and the EC Council no. 1924 from 2006, other nutritional and health claims may not be assigned to any food supplement except those permitted. This information talks about the general effects of the individual components, which you can read about in encyclopedias and educational literature.

All the listed information on nutritional and health claims are a set of information freely accessible from domestic and foreign information sources and are not proof of the real effect of nutritional supplements or their nutritional and medicinal effects. If the consumer wants accurate information supported by professional and scientific studies, it is important to get familiar with it through all available professional sources. You should always consult your doctor in advance about the possible positive but also undesirable effects of the nutritional supplement!

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