
Event Info

  • 4/5/25, 9:00 AM
  • 4/5/25, 1:00 PM
  • Púchov
  • ALEXANDRA ŠPORT HOTEL***, ul. 1.mája 899, 020 01 Púchov
  • 49.11912195 18.321804863

Company vision + plan for the next period + news
Products and references
Activstar excellence
A unique business opportunity
How to earn your first €1000 within 14 days

Exceptional information from exceptional trainers from practice with results

Ticket 10 €/person / when paying 20 € + three newcomers for free

The ticket price includes refreshments, coffee + Acivstar drinks. Participants of the seminar will receive +100 points for the marketing of the selected product.

The program:

  • 8:30 a.m. - 8:55 a.m. - REGISTRATION
  • 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - ACTIVSTAR CONFERENCE
  • Company vision + plan for the next period + news
  • Products
  • References
  • How to earn your first €1000 within 7 days
  • Double - multiplying your income
  • Sale + product tasting
  • Incorporating a newcomer
  • Autoship - commission - business packages
  • Upcoming events + growth


Those who educate themselves become stronger, those who don't want to become weaker.

If you are not willing to learn, NO ONE can help you. If you learn and put it into practice, NO ONE can stop you.


From the seminar participants:

  • Helena - The seminar was full of excellent information, thank you to everyone who shared their experiences and of course to the excellent trainers. It was worth sacrificing your free time.
  • Ľudovít - The seminar was great, as the trainers PharmDr. Mirka, Elenka, Inočka, Janko talk about useful information about products and business. Thanks also to the people who shared their personal experiences, the seminar had a high level of content. Someone wise said: "If you only take one sentence away from the training, it made sense". I personally took away a lot of those sentences and information. That's why I recommend signing up for the next seminar today.

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